Tuesday, December 13, 2011

final review

1. Rule of thirds- imagine breaking an image down into thirds both horizontally and vertically so that you have 9 sections and the subject is of center.
2. Balancing Elements- when one ore more identical or similiar subjects are repeated on each sides of the photo.
3. Leading Lines- they are used to draw the viewers eye through a photograph.
4. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition)- a symmetrical shot with strong composition and a good point of interest can lead to a striking image.
5. Viewpoint- the position of the camera in relation to the subject.
6. Background- is density and concentration.
7. Create depth-how much of a photo is in focus when the camera is focused ont he main subject and is controlled by aperture and focal length of the lens.
8. Framing- a photograpghic frame is an object that acts as a border or frame around the subject.
9. Cropping-cutting unwanted (edges) parts of the picture.
10. Mergers and avoiding them- background elements that merge with the foreground of your picture to produce undesirable results.

3.You will need to know and understand Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO.
On your blog retype the words and explain what each means.

Aperture- A device that controls the amoubnt of light admitted.

Shutter speed- It refers to the length of time the digital cameras aperture is open and allowing light inside the camera.

ISO- The sensitivity of emulsion based film.

4. You will need to be able to explain how to get to your folder on the server and the folders you click on to get there.
1.) click on server drive, then click on documents. 2.) Go to jstudents. click on photojournalism. then click 6th period then my folder. Jaramillo,sara.
5. You will need to know what makes a good magazine cover.
A good magazine cover needs A main subject and god texts around it that go to the main attraction.

6. You will need to know and be able to explain the ethics of manipulating photos in photoshop and what is acceptable and what is not acceptable.
 and acceptable manipulation is say you fix up someones teeth. A VERY unacceptable manipulation is when you insert people of different kinds to make your  advertisement ect. look better.
7. You will need to be able to explain the three types of portraits we talked about - formal, informal and environmental.
On your blog describe all three.
formal- where you are postioned, smiling, and facing the camera and dressed fancy.
informal- where they may not be facing the camera and not dressed so fancy and not so stiff.
environmental- say where a student is in class doing there work.

Mural photo

Self portrait

Friday, December 9, 2011


1. Link the website you visited and make sure your blog is titled the same as I named it on the akinsphotojblog. http://www.visualnews.com/2011/11/10/photographing-waves-from-a-surfers-view/

2. Briefly describe what you looked at on the website (2-3 sentences, make sure you write enough to really make it clear that you spent time looking at the website). I saw perfect surfing waves. They were all taken at a certain time, like before they splash back into the water. All the waves look like spiraling tunnels leading to the sun (sometimes).

3. What did you learn new? That some ocean water looks like it is very very very dirty like a desert brown.

4. If possible, post your favorite photo from the site.

5. If you have a photo to post, please answer the following questions:
a. Why did you pick this photo? Because I love the way the sun shines so bright at the end of the tunnel.
b. What rules of photography do you see in the photo? balance, lines.
c. Who took the photo?  Clark Little.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


1.      Link the website you visited and make sure your blog is titled the same as I named it on the akinsphotojblog. http://imgur.com/a/S1OiJ

2.      Briefly describe what you looked at on the website (2-3 sentences, make sure you write enough to really make it clear that you spent time looking at the website). ALL of the buses were hilarious. There was one where it said weight watchers in the back and had a painting of a fat chick making the bus sink to one side. And there was another one where it looked like a snake was tightening the bus and wrapped around it.

3.      What did you learn new? that some buses can look fo' seriously liveeee.!

4.      If possible, post your favorite photo from the site.

5.      If you have a photo to post, please answer the following questions:
a.       Why did you pick this photo? Because its HILARIOUS!
b.      What rules of photography do you see in the photo? Lines, Balance.
c.       Who took the photo? it doesnt say.

Paralized Pets

1.      Link the website you visited and make sure your blog is titled the same as I named it on the akinsphotojblog. http://www.cbsnews.com/2300-204_162-10009553.html?tag=cbsnewsSectionContent.8

 2.      Briefly describe what you looked at on the website (2-3 sentences, make sure you write enough to really make it clear that you spent time looking at the website). I saw a lot of poor animals with this kind of metal " wheel chair" atteched to the back of thier legs sometimes the front. and I saw Sheep and a Lama also paralyzed. They stil do everything they would do even with out the brace like running.

3.      What did you learn new? That even animals can be paralyzed, I always thought family guy was just joking.....

4.      If possible, post your favorite photo from the site.
- even sheep and dogs play together.

5.      If you have a photo to post, please answer the following questions:
a.       Why did you pick this photo? Because its cute that a paralyzed sheep and dog are playing together.
b.      What rules of photography do you see in the photo? avoiding mergers.
c.       Who took the photo? Eddie Wheels

Ghost Towns

1.      Link the website you visited and make sure your blog is titled the same as I named it on the akinsphotojblog. http://todayspictures.slate.com/20111102/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TodaysPictures+%28Today%27s+Pictures%29

2.      Briefly describe what you looked at on the website (2-3 sentences, make sure you write enough to really make it clear that you spent time looking at the website). I see all the roads are dirt. And theres alot of mountains. The area looks like a desert.

3.      What did you learn new? Mark Twain was robbed there.

4.      If possible, post your favorite photo from the site.

5.      If you have a photo to post, please answer the following questions:
a.       Why did you pick this photo? Because its pretty funny to me the fact in a BIG font "MARK TWAIN WAS ROBBED HERE"
b.      What rules of photography do you see in the photo? Lines, Balancing.
c.       Who took the photo? Dennis Stock.


1.      Link the website you visited and make sure your blog is titled the same as I named it on the akinsphotojblog. http://marklaita.com/serpentine.html

2.      Briefly describe what you looked at on the website (2-3 sentences, make sure you write enough to really make it clear that you spent time looking at the website). I saw a lot of snakes of all different kinds of breeds, and they were all posed differently. Some actually were HUGE and had little tiny snakes all around him of a different color. And they where.... pretty scaring. I dont have a good backround with snakes.

3.      What did you learn new? - That snakes can stay still for a photo.

4.      If possible, post your favorite photo from the site. The blue Malayan coral snake.

5.      If you have a photo to post, please answer the following questions:
a.       Why did you pick this photo? 1) its shaped kindof in an "S" 2) and it has RED in it
b.      What rules of photography do you see in the photo? Simplicity, Avoiding mergers.
c.       Who took the photo? Mark Laita.

Lytro Warm-Up

1) When I clicked on it it would take all of its focus to what I clicked on and blured everything around it.
2) It works by good focusing and has a soft blur to attract to more attention to what you want focused.
3) He would have to know that the shutter speed should be at a good speed maybe like 1/600 or less depends on what he wants.
4) Yes, it is worth the $$$ moneyyyy.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Self Portrait 2

1. Rule of thirds

2. Balancing Elements

3. Leading Lines

4. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition)

5. Viewpoint

6. Background

7. Create depth

8. Framing

9. Cropping

10. Mergers and avoiding them

Self Portrait part 1

                                                        Some Self Portrait tips 1) Think about your motivation and emotions: Blankly staring at the camera rarely gets good results. Be silly, don’t be afraid to over-act. The worst that can happen is that you fill up your memory card with useless photos; but you might also find yourself with a proper gold-nugget of a self portrait.

2) If you're using a long lens and are some distance from your subject, it will probably be a while before the people in the scene notice you. You should be able to compose your image and get your shot before this happens. When they do notice you, smile and wave. There's a difference between being unobtrusive and unfriendly. Another way to be unobtrusive is to be there long enough so that people stop paying attention to you.

3) You can also capture a self-portrait by supporting your camera, then frame your picture and focus with a stand-in. Place a mirror just behind the camera, and do your final posing in the mirror. This method also requires a self-timer, or a remote triggering device if your camera has one. Once again, if you use a self-timer, you'll need to get into position before it goes off.

                                                         Enviromental portraits
  • I chose this photo because it reminds me of the poor little kids/adults in the other countries working for pennies a WEEK and its just sad because they did'nt have a choice to work for life they were born into it. And I also like this photo because not of what shes doing but the fact that shes looks just like my great grandmother , her name was zhexing lee.

  • I chose this photo because its like a darkness around her and she stands out with a red dress. And to me it symbols the devils darkness but she is not scared because shes covered in the blood of jesus. That is why i chose and LOVE this picture.

                                                           Self-portrait Photography
  • I chose this photo because it looks like he's sinking into the wall or like hes disinigrating into peices of paper. And I like this photo because it shows alot of detail like the shadow of the peices coming from him.

  • I chose this photo because it looks very vintage. And I also like this photo because the pink flowers all around her is like beauty and it really goes with her eyeshadow and just her entire look.

                                                                     Casual Portraits
  • I chose this photo because this baby girl it next to a glass door and its like she has a twin. I also chose this photo because I like that the photo is kind of blurred in the back to put more attention on the baby girl.

  • I chose this photo because it has alot of love in it and both the baby and mother are smiling. And I really like this photo because This mother has alot Of love and affection for her child and I like that

Who will you shoot: I would like to take the photo of my bestfriend, Elisa Garcia
Where will you shoot: I would like to shoot in maybe a hallway or a place with good lighting. maybe outside in the courtyard.
What will you do to make the shot successful: I will make sure she agrees to the photo and that I avoid any mergers. And I would like to maybe to rule of thirds and get some framing in there too. Especially framing and possibly some simplicity also. I am also going to do  maybe a 600-800 range of ISO and i want a 1/600 shutter speed to catch pretty much everything.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Self portraits

  • This is my favorite un-professional photo because its very dark and spooky like. And I also like this picture the most because it has, Man, Woman, Daughter, Son all in order from height too. It also looks like all they have is eachother , family matters when bad times come.... family is always there "blood is thicker then water".

  • This is my favorite professional photo because it makes her look so majestic. Plus its like shes getting ready for the ball like cinderella and her dress perfectly around her and it lay on the floor. And all the lighting behind her makes this photo have the best amount of light its like shes a goddess!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A) The main thing is that sometimes manipulating photos goes to far, example: taking TWO woman out of a photo just so it can be a full male cabnate. Or like making all four rockets look like a succes when really only three were succesful. Or cloning people and putting them in two different poeople on dates close to eachother, and in an area very far from eachother.

B) I think it is unethical because a photo is taken, you cant take it back wheather you change it or not under all that FAKE that person was ment to be there even if you get a extra person in the photo no need to "clone" over them or remove them, just simply ask them to move and re-take the photo. And if a BIG situation like rocket launching does'nt go exactly planned, just tell the truth and tell the public, DONT LIE. Becasue sooner or later they will find out.

2) I think that this one is the most unethical becasue this cover is trying to make there school look better by adding a black boy who wasnt even there. they think it would look better for them," oh look see its not all white people they have a black boy there ooo I wanna go there they have black kids there also!", but no they had to digitaly add the black boy.

3) I think this is least unethical because theres no "adding,taking,cloning,pasting." there just fixing her teeth a little so the picture can look better, other then that, that really is her maybe not her teeth, buts its just teeth, NOT a fake rocket launch. 

National Geographic Warm-up and Photo Manipulation and Ethics

1) My favorite photo.

2) This is my favorite photo because I love the fact that the entire picture is green then you see and tiny green lizard that blends in. Also because of the way the lines are rowed and diagonal. Lastly I like this photo the most is because the lizard faces the opposite direction the way the lines are rowed.

3) I would take a picture of my little brother Nathaniel and my baby nephew Kanon together my brother is just in love with Kanon. Kanon is learing how to give baby kisses so i would get a full colored photo of Kanon giving Nathaniel a baby kiss. The reason for taking a full colored picture because Kanon has the orange-est hair ever, (hes a ginger). and Nathaniel has brown hair with a NATURAL blonde streak in his hair,( its cause were part french/italian) .

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Abandoned Theme Parks

1) Shidaka’s Utopia- I would want to go there because it just looks so torn down, old, deserted.
Those broken baby dolls look so worn down and rusted. And has all these rollerskates there, like perfectly on the shelf as it was before, even though some may be on the counter it still looks kinda creepy.    


3) 1- Hell's Door Turkmenistan( the giant crater of darvaz). 2- Sanquingshan-China(garden of the gods)3- Eye of Africa Mauritania. 4- A cemetary  at night. 5- Island house. 6- The coral castle.


5) I think it would be fun to go there because some people say its the door to "hell" and i think it would be cool to see some flames. It interests me because its just a big hole in the ground with molten lava and its roughly 60 meters in diameter and 20 meters deep . geologists were digging in the area for gas deposits and stumbled upon a huge underground cavern. The geologists apparently concluded the cavern was filled with poisonous gas, and decided  that they should light the cavern on fire to burn off the excess. The hole has been burning for more than 35 years since. I think pictures I would get would be bright because of the insane heat rising out of it so you'd probably see the gas above the cavern.


Monday, October 24, 2011

American Soldier slide show and captions

1) The most powerful image was the one where the solider was laying down in the field with the future-istic rifle kinda gun  . Well because his risking his life for his country.
2) Chapter 4. because thats when all the hard core stuff starts to happen hense the term " first assignment".
3) They work together by like how it starts off to how it ends.

1) It is usually written in present verbs.
2)They enhance it by telling exactly the story like at first i didnt realixze the guy was sleeping and at first i was like why is he sleeping then I read that hes only had 3 hours of sleep and they were broken up into pieces, not even a full 3 hours.


1) It enhances it by adding thier own words into the photos, actual feelings behind the photo.
2) Its better then photos by it allows you to hear and see things really happening , instead of just a photo.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sports Photography Tips and Techniques

  1. have it, you can still go a long way on the other seven elements.
  2. Skill - This is something you can learn, like hitting a baseball. Or photography.
  3. Knowledge - You need knowledge both of your craft and of the game you are photographing. You must know how your camera works inside and out. You must be able to control it to get it to do what you want it to do without thinking about it or having to refer to the manual. You must also know the sport you are going to shoot. Study the game. For instance, in baseball, if there is a
  4. Introduction Sports photography is one of the few remaining pure forms of documentary photography. The moment happens and it is gone. You either capture it in an image or you don't. Unlike sports writers and television, still photographers don't have the luxury of instant replay.
  5. Learning Sports Photography The best way to learn a subject is to completely immerse yourself in excellent examples of it, and to get out there and practice it by doing it. There are no substitutes for practice and experience.
    Look at sports magazines such as Sports Illustrated and ESPN The Magazine every week. Check sports photography web sites such as
    Yahoo's Daily Sports Photos. Go to the bookstore and look at the many books in the sports section, some are by remarkable sports photographers like Walter Iooss. Subscribe to Robert Hanashiro's Sports Shooter. Look at what wins the sports categories in the Pictures of the Year contest. Look at your newspapers sport's section every day. My paper, the Philadelphia Inquirer, also has sports photo galleries from most games. Other papers are starting to do the same. Read Rod Mar's sports photography blog "The Best Seat in the House".
  6. Getting Started You simply have to start at the beginning, learn your craft, pay your dues, find your own level of talent, and work your way up.
    Go to little league games and practice with what equipment you have. Go to high school games and shoot. At some high schools you can find football, soccer, field hockey, baseball and softball all going on at the same time in the afternoon in the fall. Look for action and feature shots. See how good your knowledge of the game is, and how good your anticipation and reflexes are. Build up a portfolio that shows what you can do.
  7. Eight Elements Necessary for Success
  8. Talent - Natural talent is something you are born with. You either have it or you don't. If you don't runner on first base and the ball is hit in the gap, where will the play be? Hint - not at second base!
  9. Practice - Photography is a physical as well as a mental skill. Practice will make you better at both. Skills improve dramatically with practice and atrophy with disuse.
  10. Desire - Your philosophy and attitude will affect your work. When I go out to shoot a game, I want the great peak action moments, the ones with great content, and the ones with great emotion. I expect to get them. I get really mad when I don't. I'm greedy. I want it all and I expect to get it all. My goal is to combine a great moment, with great content and great emotion in a single picture in every game I cover.
  11. Work - Make a commitment to excellence. Don't stand around picking your nose just because baseball is mostly boring. Shoot it like you would if you were playing the game. Concentrate on every pitch. Figure out the situation beforehand. If you are in left field and there is a runner on second, and the ball is hit to you, where are you supposed to throw it? Be in a "zone of your own" of concentration. Know the game situation and what's going to happen.
  12. Opportunity - You can't always control what opportunities you have, but you have to seize them when then come along. I was in my last semester in college with only 11 credits left to graduate when I quit school to take a job as a photographer at a small suburban newspaper just outside of New Orleans. It was not even a job shooting sports full time, but it was a job that would not have been there when I graduated, and it was in a city where I wanted to live and work. It allowed me to get a start in the newspaper business, and opened up further opportunities for me once I had more experience. I finally went back to college about a decade later and finished up my degree.
  13. Luck - Some say you can't control it, but it favors the prepared. On the other hand, sometimes being in the right place to get the best picture is strictly a matter of chance, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

  1. Good News and Bad News First, the bad news. Your dream may be to be make your living shooting sports. The reality may be that you are just not good enough. This may be either as a photographer or as a business person. Because its not enough to just be a great photographer, you also have to be a good great business person. And even then, you still may not be able to make a living doing sports photography, or any other kind of photography. Things are changing profoundly in the business of photography. 

  • Photography Basics Light is a form of radiant energy that we can see with our eyes, and record with a camera. It is our primary method of obtaining information about the world. Light, in terms of its quantity, quality, and color, is also the most important thing that affects the technical quality of our sports pictures. Unfortunately, in most cases for sports action photography, there is not much we can do about any of these factors. We usually just have to work with what is there. In some cases we may be able to set up strobes to provide our own main sources of light, or use a strobe as a fill to supplement existing light.

  Equipment- Snap shot digital cameras. DSLR cameras, Lenses

Shooting Techniques
1. Master your craft and your e

quipment. 2. Use your vision, see whats hapening no really see whats exactyly happening

  Special Techniques Sometimes (nearly always) when we shoot high school basketball, we are shooting in gyms that are not very well lit. This can be a challenge. Available light exposures are problematic because they are usually relatively long and don't stop the action very well, and the quality of the light coming straight down in these gyms is extremely ugly. This leads to awful shadow detail on African-American players, and lots of noise in the image.
Image Processing