Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Great Black and White Photographers part 3

1) I choose Eugene Atget because his photography is very, deep to my eye view when i see his photos i see natural life things that we dont usually notice now a-days with all this technology his photos spoke to me looking at this photo made me like of deep and bruting silence, inner peace.

2) If I were in the photo I would smell old pond water and fish poo, and the smell of asfault. I see a remarkable buliding with a pond underneth it to make a reflection of it. I hear the wind blowing through the tress and trickling  water moving. I taste gum , grape flavored and metal, because my braces, (im pretending im the photographer).I feel the air and the ambiance of just standing in front of the houses's precense  and being able to show the world a beautiful house that no one probably new about.
3) If i were in the photo I would smell wood and dust. I see and wooden wheelbarel on the side of an old blackish bridge with a road beside it. I hear wagons going by and the horses muffling and their hoofs hitting the ground repetedly getting further, and further away as is slowly gets slient. I taste dust and a dry mouth. I feel the wind from the wagons passing me by one after another, i also feel the camera in my hand trying to set is ISO and the shutter speed and aperture just at the right numbers.

3) I would like to do a poster of Eugene Atget.

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